Club Digital Contest Themes

These themes are for the CLUB’s monthly DIGITAL contests.
N4C monthly themes can be found on the N4C website.
Descriptions of the N4C themes are found below this list.

September 2023

October 2023 (due Tues. 9/12/23)

November 2023 (due Mon. 10/2/23)

January 2024 (due Mon. 11/6/23)

February 2024 (due Mon. 1/1/24)

March 2023 (due Mon. 3/4/24)
Iowa State Fair 2024 Theme - “LEADING LINES”

From the Iowa State Fair Theme Info:
When you look around you, leading lines are everywhere. Not only do you use them everyday, you probably don’t even know that you use them. Leading lines are defined as lines that appear in a photograph that have been framed and positioned by the photographer to draw the viewer’s eye toward a specific point of interest. Leading lines draw the viewer’s eye in a specific direction or towards a designated portion of the photograph.

April 2024 (due Mon. 3/4/24)

May 2024 (due Mon. 4/1/24)

N4C Digital Contest Theme Descriptions

In pictorial photography we are concerned with the artistic quality of the presentation of the subject rather than with the subject itself. Literally, all subjects qualify, but since “Interest” accounts for one-third of the score, subjects that catch the viewer’s eye will have an advantage. The judges will be seeking answers to the question, “Did the photographer simply record the subject, or did he/she through the photographic process enhance the viewer’s interest in the subject?” Pictorialism may be accomplished by meticulous photographic technique, proper presentation, careful composition, or most likely all of these factors.
Examples of N4C Winners:  http://n4c.us/digital_pictoral_16-17.htm

Black & White
Black & White Photography is also called monochrome. The resulting image is limited to monochromatic hues or shades of gray, although filters may be applied to give a hue or tint. Different photographic processes and toners may also give a different hue to a black & white photograph; for example, selenium, sepia and split toning (duo-toning). No fraction of the image shall be given a special color treatment.
Examples of N4C Winners:  http://n4c.us/digital_black_white_16-17.htm

Altered Reality
Altered Reality photography is an opportunity for those who dare to explore the experimental and creative forms of photographic expression. These will include, but not be limited to derived images, ultra-high contrast, black light, bas-relief, solarization, multi-images, trick lenses and filters, and other ways to alter the image to produce a new abstract effect. Just about anything goes. The important thing is the result, not the means to create it. This area of photography bridges between photographic realism and creative art. It is very difficult to judge and there are literally no rules to follow. Generally, concentrate on form and color, rather than detail in the image to succeed.
Examples of N4C Winners: http://n4c.us/digital_creative_16-17.htm

Travel implies going to some place other than one’s customary environment, and photo-travel photography suggests the photographic depiction of that new environment or the means used to get there. There is no definition of how far away that environment must be to qualify as “travel” or how different that new environment must be. However, the judges will generally award prizes to those photographs that depict more exotic and unfamiliar places, even though such places are “home” to someone. Good photographic technique and particularly the ability to convey the feeling and flavor of the place visited will help you be a winner. Try to emphasize the character that makes the place unique from other places. Be sure to state the name of the locale where the picture was made on the print.
Examples of N4C Winners:  http://n4c.us/digital_travel_16-17.htm

No photograph is worth the distress or injury to any wild creature.
*  Nature photography is simply the recording of our natural world by some photographic means. Included are all branches of nature except Archeology and Anthropology.
*  The hand of man shall not be present in any nature entry except where wild birds or animals have invaded man’s world such as fence posts and other man-made objects freely adapted for use by wild creatures.
*  Banding or tagging on nature subjects is acceptable. Photographs at bird feeders are not acceptable if any part of a man made feeder is shown in the photograph.
*  Photographs taken in zoos, animal farms or game farms are acceptable as long as the setting remains natural and the hand of man is not visible.
*  Cultivated plants, domestic animals and pets are not acceptable and should be entered in other categories.
Examples of N4C Winners: http://n4c.us/digital_nature_16-17.htm

State Fair Photo Theme 2024 - LEADING LINES
When you look around you, leading lines are everywhere. Not only do you use them everyday, you probably don’t even know that you use them. Leading lines are defined as lines that appear in a photograph that have been framed and positioned by the photographer to draw the viewer’s eye toward a specific point of interest. Leading lines draw the viewer’s eye in a specific direction or towards a designated portion of the photograph.

The challenge here will be to look at angles. Don’t just stand in the middle of the road and take your photo, look for a perspective that will show us how the road plays an important part in the role of the everyday life around it. However, remember, the road must be the main subject of the photo!”